Nishi Rokugo Koen in Tokyo is affectionately known as Tire Park or "Taiya Koen" made of up used recycled tires of every size in the shape of robots, dragons, swings, bridges, tunnels and mountains. Approximately 3,000 old tires were used to make the playground, popular with local neighbors and visitors from other parks of Tokyo for its sheer novelty.
- Copyright
- ©John Lander
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- 3600x5400 / 13.4MB
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- Keywords
Nishi Rokugo Koen, tire park, taiya park, taiya koen, recycled tires, tokyo playground, tokyo, playground, recycling, strange, weird, quirky, fun, odd, unusual, outlandish, unique, quirky, quirkiness, peculiar, idiosyncratic, odd, off-the-wall, unusual, unconventional, wacky, weird, bizarre, freaky, out of the ordinary, uncommon, unique, ; amazement; amazing; awe; awes; carefree; comical; daring;innovative; inspiring;l ighthearted; dreamy; fantasy; fantasies; unique; upbeat
- Contained in galleries
- Offbeat Japan, Cool Quirky Japan